
Sonnet 130

My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips' red ;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare
Yes yes yes you know this one. Everyone does. There's a reason. It's good. Also Shakespeare.

So in English last year, we read this poem after reading another more flattering one. Afterwards our teacher asked the girls if they would be flattered if they were the subject of this sonnet. I raised my hand, but no one else did. I was asked to explain myself, and I honestly did a crap job. I'm going to redeem myself to the about one person who actually reads this.

Here goes.

The sonnet, physically, is unflattering. Not gonna lie. But in all honesty, my eye ISN'T anything like the sun, my lips aren't redredredredred and neither are my cheeks, I am neither the pale standard of back then nor the ubertan that's popular now, perfume probably smells better tham my breath as I don't eat roses all the time, music sounds better than my voice, and yeah, when I walk, I walk ON THE FRIGGIN' GROUND. Heavily sometimes. This one is honest. I am not perfect, nor is Shakespeare's mistress, nor is ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD EVER.

The honesty here is key. He realizes that she's not perfect, and he'll say it, too, but that's entirely beside the fact that HE LOVES HER. He loves her and her imperfections. She to him is not an idol but a person. One whom he loves.

Nobody's perfect. People need to realize this. Imperfections are what make people people. I, for one, would like to be a person, not an idol. And that's why this sonnet would flatter me.

(sorry if this doesn't make sense it's lateearly)




I've been not doing a lot with this thing. Sorry.

I've been keeping busy, generally with the absolutely brilliant discovery of six years of Doctor Who on Netflix for my general enjoyment. Why wasn't I watching that before it'ssogoodomgaskghdsewe[ ahhhhh. Also Masterpiece Mystery's Sherlock is up there, and that's absolutely amazing. They've revamped Holmes for the modern day, incorporating technology WITHOUT BEING LAME ABOUT IT, and making Watson not a complete derp. Because Watson really isn't a complete derp. See: below.
Hark! a Vagrant, by the way, is awesome
Also on Netflix is Psych, which has been one of my favorite shows for YEARS now. Maybe I'm just a sucker for witty dialogue and action and awesome stories and general badassery, but yeah.

Also I've been swimming. Woot.




(rambling whilst trying to write an essay. Also I'm grounded. woot.)

Leechblock is amazingly awesome for productivity. Seriously, if you have Firefox and have a project or something coming up, GET IT you have no idea how wonderful it is. If you don’t have Firefox and are using Internet Explorer: SWITCH Firefox is amazing. It’s wonderfully beautiful, and intuitive, and amazingly third-party-developer friendly. Chrome is fine with me, but I dunno if there’s an equivalent feature on there.

Need music? I have one answer for you (okay well a couple but whatevs). Driftless Pony Club. Yeah, Quintessential indie band name, but seriously they’re amazingly awesome, in the truest sense of both of those words. Also Passion Pit. Just go buy Manners on iTunes. And get the Deluxe version, because they’ve got two of the tracks stripped of the electronic wonder and it’s still just as good if not better. Moth’s wings, free of editing, has such feeling put into it, just, awesome. And then buy the TRON soundtrack, because Daft Punk did an amazing job and did an awesome job on all the tracks, and all the tracks are not Derezzed. Son of Flynn is nice, clean, and lovely; and Fall’s got an amazing beat and bass and it’s just perfect for so many things.

GAH I love music.

I wonder how many people know that. I don’t really show it much, but I am in love with tonality and beat and musical artistry and harmonies and lyrics SO MUCH. I am a general music fangirl. And probably a bit of an elitist cuz I hate rap and hip-hop and stuff. I mean, if it’s on in a swim practice or in someone’s car, I’m fine with that. I’ll just pull a DPC or Passion Pit or something into my mind and listen to that, but I fail to see the appeal. I mean, it’s a drum machine and unartful, trashy synths with either drug, sex, or booze filled lyrics, often all three. I realize the fine line in between techno and electropop and Ke$ha. The difference? Musicality. Techno is very dance-y, but it takes care to be tasteful.

(Also this site: http://8tracks.com/)






Pokemon Global Link is now live, so there goes all my productivity.

Today we went to the Art Institute! They let you take flashless pictures, so now I've got a whole slew of Impressionist and Romantic cell phone backgrounds!

Also there were a lot of pictures of naked ladies, so I learned that that is a very timeless subject of painting apparently!

Also modern art is weird.

I like Impressionism. The colors are very beautiful!

And pictures of moving water. The sea is very beautiful!

I am talking a bit like a five year old you just went to the Art Institute, right?




Ohey look I'm in class now for this part ohohohohoho I am so cool. Actually I just finished the Computer Science lab in like twenty minutes and am super duper fast at this class so I quickly run out of things to do, so Imma do this.

Lessee, 15 minutes left of class how can I be interesting ohey that's work.

Let's do a list of fictional characters that I like, shall we?
  • Shawn Spencer (Psych)
  • Peeta (Hunger Games)
  • Harry Potter (duh.)
  • Sam Flynn (TRON~)
  • Miles Halter (Looking for Alaska)
  • Will Grayson (see: duh)
And then just a list of awesome characters from everything~
  • Quorra (TRON [Do you know Jules Verne? "Yeah" What's he like?])
  • Finn (Adventure Time)
  • Marceline (Adventure Time)
  • Hermione (HP)
  • Bellatrix Lestrange (HP)
  • Sirius Black (HP)
  • Remus Lupin (HP)
  • Takumi (Looking for Alaska)
  • will grayson (see again: duh)
  • N (Pokemon B/W)
  • Sapphire (Pokemon Adventures (the manga))
  • Ruby (see above)
  • Norman (see above)
  • Diamond (see above)
And there are a whole lot more. As odd as this may sound, I really like the father characters. I dunno why.

ANYWAYS boring list-blog over and out. I'm thinking sometime this weekend I'll do a "teach people some useful Internet things" post. I need screenshots for everything so it could take a while.