


I've been not doing a lot with this thing. Sorry.

I've been keeping busy, generally with the absolutely brilliant discovery of six years of Doctor Who on Netflix for my general enjoyment. Why wasn't I watching that before it'ssogoodomgaskghdsewe[ ahhhhh. Also Masterpiece Mystery's Sherlock is up there, and that's absolutely amazing. They've revamped Holmes for the modern day, incorporating technology WITHOUT BEING LAME ABOUT IT, and making Watson not a complete derp. Because Watson really isn't a complete derp. See: below.
Hark! a Vagrant, by the way, is awesome
Also on Netflix is Psych, which has been one of my favorite shows for YEARS now. Maybe I'm just a sucker for witty dialogue and action and awesome stories and general badassery, but yeah.

Also I've been swimming. Woot.
